This weekend the IE squad traveled to the University of Alabama. It was a tough tournament but we had a lot of fun. In fact, we had so much fun, and did so much driving, that we pretty much forgot to take pictures.
Results Day One:
Team Sweepstakes: 3rd place
Brianna Mahoney: 2nd place Extemp, 2nd place Poetry, 3rd place Quadrathon
Erin Schoch: 5th place DI, 4th place Poetry
Mikayla Hall: 6th place ADS
Aishwarya Vijayan: 3rd place Extemp
Anthony Perez: 7th place Impromptu
Results Day Two:
Brianna Mahoney: 6th place ADS, 3rd place Impromptu
Mikayla Hall: 5th place Impromptu
Kristie Dorman: Top Novice Poetry